2 Piece Fest

The Doll Hut, 107 S. Adams, Anaheim, CA

1:00 - Fantastic Bombastic (special reunion) 1:30 2:00 - The Has Beens (SF,CA) 2:30 - You There! 3:00 - Ukulele Hiro 3:30 - 4:00 - Roosterhead 4:30 (baleen) 5:00 - Rock n Roll Suicides 5:30 - Punk As A Doornail 6:00 - Slushbox 6:30 - Weekend at Berniez 7:00 - IT'S CASUAL 7:30 - Ascent 8:00 - Jupiter 2.0 8:30 - The Blinds 9:00 - Porkchops & Applesauce 9:30 - The Stupid Daikini 10:00 - StrangeMen 10:30 - Dost! 11:00 - DMF(Acoustic set) 11:30 - VFMS